from smtplib import SMTPServerDisconnected from socket import timeout from ssl import SSLError from import TestCase from unittest.mock import patch from validate_email.email_address import EmailAddress from validate_email.exceptions import ( AddressNotDeliverableError, SMTPCommunicationError, SMTPMessage, SMTPTemporaryError) from validate_email.smtp_check import _SMTPChecker, smtp_check class SMTPMock(_SMTPChecker): """ Mock replacement for the SMTP connection. Instead of really communicating with an SMTP server, this class works with predefined fake responses. By default, the responses emulate a successful SMTP conversation, but it can be turned into an unsuccessful one by patching the `reply` dictionary. """ reply = { None: (220, b'Welcome'), "EHLO": (502, b'Please use HELO'), 'HELO': (220, b'HELO successful'), 'MAIL': (250, b'MAIL FROM successful'), 'RCPT': (250, b'RCPT TO successful'), 'QUIT': (221, b'QUIT successful'), # This is not a real life response, only for mocking 'STARTTLS': (220, b'Welcome'), } last_command = None def _get_socket(self, host, port, timeout): return None def send(self, s): self.last_command = s.split()[0].upper() def getreply(self): if isinstance(self.reply[self.last_command], Exception): self.close() raise self.reply[self.last_command] return self.reply[self.last_command] def mocked_starttls(self: SMTPMock, *args, **kwargs): 'Mocking `starttls()` to raise `SSLError`.' (resp, reply) = self.docmd('STARTTLS') raise SSLError('param 1', 'param 2') class SMTPCheckTest(TestCase): 'Collection of tests the `smtp_check` method.' # All the possible ways to fail we want to test, listed as tuples # containing (command, reply, expected exception). failures = [ # Timeout on connection (None, timeout(), SMTPTemporaryError), # Connection unexpectedly closed during any stage (None, SMTPServerDisconnected('Test'), SMTPTemporaryError), ('EHLO', SMTPServerDisconnected('Test'), SMTPTemporaryError), ('HELO', SMTPServerDisconnected('Test'), SMTPTemporaryError), ('MAIL', SMTPServerDisconnected('Test'), SMTPTemporaryError), ('RCPT', SMTPServerDisconnected('Test'), SMTPTemporaryError), # Temporary error codes (None, (421, b'Connect failed'), SMTPTemporaryError), ('HELO', (421, b'HELO failed'), SMTPTemporaryError), ('MAIL', (451, b'MAIL FROM failed'), SMTPTemporaryError), ('RCPT', (451, b'RCPT TO failed'), SMTPTemporaryError), # Permanent error codes (None, (554, b'Connect failed'), SMTPCommunicationError), ('HELO', (504, b'HELO failed'), SMTPCommunicationError), ('MAIL', (550, b'MAIL FROM failed'), SMTPCommunicationError), ('RCPT', (550, b'RCPT TO failed'), AddressNotDeliverableError), ] @patch(target='validate_email.smtp_check._SMTPChecker', new=SMTPMock) def test_smtp_success(self): 'Succeeds on successful SMTP conversation' self.assertTrue( smtp_check( email_address=EmailAddress(''), mx_records=[''], ) ) def _test_one_smtp_failure(self, cmd, reply, exception): with patch.dict(in_dict=SMTPMock.reply, values={cmd: reply}): with self.assertRaises(exception) as context: smtp_check( email_address=EmailAddress(''), mx_records=['']) if isinstance(reply, tuple): error_messages = context.exception.error_messages error_info = error_messages[''] self.assertEqual(error_info.command[:4].upper(), cmd or 'CONN') self.assertEqual(error_info.code, reply[0]) self.assertEqual(error_info.text, reply[1].decode()) @patch(target='validate_email.smtp_check._SMTPChecker', new=SMTPMock) def test_smtp_failure(self): 'Fails on unsuccessful SMTP conversation.' for cmd, reply, exception in self.failures: with self.subTest(cmd=cmd, reply=reply): self._test_one_smtp_failure(cmd, reply, exception) @patch(target='validate_email.smtp_check._SMTPChecker', new=SMTPMock) @patch(target='smtplib.SMTP.starttls', new=mocked_starttls) def test_ssl_error(self): 'Handles an `SSLError` during `starttls()` properly.' with self.assertRaises(SMTPTemporaryError) as context: smtp_check( email_address=EmailAddress(''), mx_records=['']) exc = context.exception error_text = ( 'During TLS negotiation, the following exception(s) happened: ' "SSLError('param 1', 'param 2')") smtp_message = \ exc.error_messages[''] # type: SMTPMessage self.assertIs(type(smtp_message), SMTPMessage) self.assertEqual(smtp_message.text, error_text) self.assertEqual(smtp_message.command, 'STARTTLS') self.assertEqual(smtp_message.code, -1) error = smtp_message.exceptions[0] self.assertIs(type(error), SSLError) self.assertTupleEqual(error.args, ('param 1', 'param 2'))