2019-06-27 17:42:11 +02:00

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smartcard.util package
__author__ = ""
Copyright 2001-2010 gemalto
Author: Jean-Daniel Aussel,
This file is part of pyscard.
pyscard is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
pyscard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with pyscard; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import re
import sys
from functools import reduce
from struct import unpack
PACK = 1
HEX = 2
def padd(bytelist, length, padding='FF'):
Padds a byte list with a constant byte value (default is x0FF)
bytelist: the byte list to padd
length: the total length of the resulting byte list;
no padding if length is smaller than the byte list length
padding: padding value (default is 0xff)
returns the padded bytelist
padd(toBytes(\"3B 65 00 00 9C 11 01 01 03\"), 16) returns
[0x3B, 0x65, 0, 0, 0x9C, 0x11, 1, 1, 3, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF]
padd(toBytes(\"3B 65 00 00 9C 11 01 01 03\"), 8) returns
[0x3B, 0x65, 0, 0, 0x9C, 0x11, 1, 1, 3]
if len(bytelist) < length:
for index in range(length - len(bytelist)):
bytelist.append(eval('0x' + padding))
return bytelist
def toASCIIBytes(stringtoconvert):
Returns a list of ASCII bytes from a string.
stringtoconvert: the string to convert into a byte list
returns a byte list of the ASCII codes of the string characters
toASCIIBytes() is the reverse of toASCIIString()
toASCIIBytes("Number 101") returns
[0x4E, 0x75, 0x6D, 0x62, 0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x31, 0x30, 0x31]
return map(ord, list(stringtoconvert))
def toASCIIString(bytelist):
Returns a string representing a list of ASCII bytes.
bytelist: list of ASCII bytes to convert into a string
returns a string from the ASCII code list
toASCIIString() is the reverse of toASCIIBytes()
[0x4E, 0x75, 0x6D, 0x62, 0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x31, 0x30, 0x31]
) returns "Number 101")
return ''.join(map(chr, bytelist))
def toBytes(bytestring):
Returns a list of bytes from a byte string
bytestring: a byte string of the format "3B 65 00 00 9C 11 01 01 03" or
"3B6500009C11010103" or "3B6500 009C1101 0103"
if type(bytestring) in set([bytes, bytearray]):
return list(bytestring)
packedstring = ''.join(re.split(r'\W+', bytestring))
if sys.version_info[0] > 2 and isinstance(packedstring, str):
packedstring = packedstring.encode()
return reduce(lambda x, y: x + [int(y, 16)], unpack(
'2s' * (len(packedstring) // 2), packedstring), [])
except Exception:
raise TypeError('not a string representing a list of bytes')
"""GSM3.38 character conversion table."""
__dic_GSM_3_38__ = {
'@': 0x00, # @ At symbol
chr(0xa3): 0x01, # £ Britain pound symbol
'$': 0x02, # $ Dollar symbol
chr(0xA5): 0x03, # ¥ Yen symbol
chr(0xe8): 0x04, # è e accent grave
chr(0xe9): 0x05, # é e accent aigu
chr(0xf9): 0x06, # ù u accent grave
chr(0xEC): 0x07, # ì i accent grave
chr(0xF2): 0x08, # ò o accent grave
chr(0xC7): 0x09, # Ç C majuscule cedille
chr(0x0A): 0x0A, # LF Line Feed
chr(0xD8): 0x0B, # Ø O majuscule barré
chr(0xF8): 0x0C, # ø o minuscule barré
chr(0x0D): 0x0D, # CR Carriage Return
chr(0xC5): 0x0E, # Å Angstroem majuscule
chr(0xE5): 0x0F, # å Angstroem minuscule
'_': 0x11, # underscore
chr(0xC6): 0x1C, # Æ majuscule ae
chr(0xE6): 0x1D, # æ minuscule ae
chr(0xDF): 0x1E, # ß s dur allemand
chr(0xC9): 0x1F, # É majuscule é
' ': 0x20,
'!': 0x21,
'\"': 0x22, # guillemet
'#': 0x23,
chr(0xa4): 0x24, # ¤ carré
chr(0xA1): 0x40, # ¡ point d'exclamation renversé
chr(0xC4): 0x5B, # Ä majuscule A trema
chr(0xE4): 0x7B, # ä minuscule a trema
chr(0xD6): 0x5C, # Ö majuscule O trema
chr(0xF6): 0x7C, # ö minuscule o trema
chr(0xD1): 0x5D, # Ñ majuscule N tilda espagnol
chr(0xF1): 0x7D, # ñ minuscule n tilda espagnol
chr(0xDC): 0x5E, # Ü majuscule U trema
chr(0xFC): 0x7E, # ü minuscule u trema
chr(0xA7): 0x5F, # § signe paragraphe
chr(0xBF): 0x60, # ¿ point interrogation renversé
chr(0xe0): 0x7F # à a accent grave
def toGSM3_38Bytes(stringtoconvert):
Returns a list of bytes from a string using GSM 3.38 conversion table.
stringtoconvert: string to convert
returns a list of bytes
toGSM3_38Bytes("@ùPascal") returns [ 0x00, 0x06, 0x50, 0x61, 0x73, 0x63,
0x61, 0x6C ]
bytes = []
for char in stringtoconvert:
if ((char >= "%") and (char <= "?")):
elif ((char >= "A") and (char <= "Z")):
elif ((char >= "a") and (char <= "z")):
return bytes
def toHexString(input_bytes=None, format=0):
Returns an hex string representing bytes
bytes: a list of bytes to stringify, e.g.
[59, 22, 148, 32, 2, 1, 0, 0, 13]
format: a logical OR of
COMMA: add a comma between bytes
HEX: add the 0x chars before bytes
UPPERCASE: use 0X before bytes (need HEX)
PACK: remove blanks
bytes = [ 0x3B, 0x65, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9C, 0x11, 0x01, 0x01, 0x03 ]
toHexString(bytes) returns
3B 65 00 00 9C 11 01 01 03
toHexString(bytes, COMMA) returns
3B, 65, 00, 00, 9C, 11, 01, 01, 03
toHexString(bytes, HEX) returns
0x3B 0x65 0x00 0x00 0x9C 0x11 0x01 0x010x03
toHexString(bytes, HEX | COMMA) returns
0x3B, 0x65, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9C, 0x11, 0x01, 0x01, 0x03
toHexString(bytes, PACK) returns 3B6500009C11010103
toHexString(bytes, HEX | UPPERCASE) returns
0X3B 0X65 0X00 0X00 0X9C 0X11 0X01 0X01 0X03
toHexString(bytes, HEX | UPPERCASE | COMMA) returns
0X3B, 0X65, 0X00, 0X00, 0X9C, 0X11, 0X01, 0X01, 0X03
from string import rstrip
except ImportError: # Python3
def rstrip(s, chars=None):
return s.rstrip(chars)
input_bytes = input_bytes or []
for byte in tuple(input_bytes):
if type(input_bytes) is not list:
raise TypeError('not a list of bytes')
if input_bytes is None or input_bytes == []:
return ""
pformat = "%-0.2X"
if COMMA & format:
pformat = pformat + ","
pformat = pformat + " "
if PACK & format:
pformat = rstrip(pformat)
if HEX & format:
if UPPERCASE & format:
pformat = "0X" + pformat
pformat = "0x" + pformat
return rstrip(rstrip(reduce(
lambda a, b: a + pformat % (
(b + 256) % 256), [""] + input_bytes)), ',')
def HexListToBinString(hexlist):
binstring = ""
for byte in hexlist:
binstring = binstring + chr(eval('0x%x' % byte))
return binstring
def BinStringToHexList(binstring):
hexlist = []
for byte in binstring:
hexlist = hexlist + [byte if isinstance(byte, int) else ord(byte)]
return hexlist
def hl2bs(hexlist):
return HexListToBinString(hexlist)
def bs2hl(binstring):
return BinStringToHexList(binstring)