176 lines
6.4 KiB
176 lines
6.4 KiB
import logging
from functools import partial
from binascii import hexlify
from socket import (
from socket import timeout as SocketTimeout
from struct import unpack
from sys import platform
from typing import Tuple
from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlsplit
from ecrterm.common import Transport
from ecrterm.exceptions import (
TransportConnectionFailed, TransportLayerException,
from ecrterm.transmission.signals import TIMEOUT_T2
if platform == 'linux':
from socket import TCP_KEEPIDLE, TCP_KEEPINTVL
elif platform == 'darwin':
from socket import TCP_KEEPINTVL
from socket import TCP_KEEPCNT
except ImportError:
logger = logging.getLogger('ecrterm.transport.socket')
def hexformat(data: bytes) -> str:
"""Return a prettified binary data."""
hexlified = str(hexlify(data), 'ascii')
splitted = ':'.join(
hexlified[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(hexlified), 2))
return repr(bytes(data)) + ' -> ' + splitted
class SocketTransport(Transport):
Transport for TCP/IP. You can set various timeouts by passing
it in the uri. An example:
See http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/tcp.7.html for TCP
flags details.
insert_delays = False
defaults = dict(
connect_timeout=5, so_keepalive=0, tcp_keepidle=1, tcp_keepintvl=3,
tcp_keepcnt=5, debug='false', packetdebug='false')
def __init__(self, uri: str):
"""Setup the IP and Port."""
parsed = urlsplit(url=uri)
if ':' not in parsed.netloc:
raise AttributeError(
'uri needs an IP and a port with : separated.')
self.ip, port = parsed.netloc.split(':')
self.port = int(port)
qs_parsed = parse_qs(qs=parsed.query)
self.connect_timeout = int(qs_parsed.get(
'connect_timeout', [self.defaults['connect_timeout']])[0])
self.so_keepalive = int(qs_parsed.get(
'so_keepalive', [self.defaults['so_keepalive']])[0])
self.tcp_keepidle = int(qs_parsed.get(
'tcp_keepidle', [self.defaults['tcp_keepidle']])[0])
self.tcp_keepintvl = int(qs_parsed.get(
'tcp_keepintvl', [self.defaults['tcp_keepintvl']])[0])
self.tcp_keepcnt = int(qs_parsed.get(
'tcp_keepcnt', [self.defaults['tcp_keepcnt']])[0])
self._debug = qs_parsed.get(
'debug', [self.defaults['debug']])[0] == 'true'
self._packetdebug = qs_parsed.get(
'packetdebug', [self.defaults['packetdebug']])[0] == 'true'
def connect(self, timeout: int=None) -> bool:
Connect to the TCP socket. Return `True` on successful
connection, `False` on an unsuccessful one.
if timeout is None:
timeout = self.connect_timeout
self.sock = create_connection(
address=(self.ip, self.port), timeout=timeout)
if self.so_keepalive:
SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, self.so_keepalive)
if self.tcp_keepidle and platform == 'linux':
IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_KEEPIDLE, self.tcp_keepidle)
if self.tcp_keepintvl and platform in set(['linux', 'darwin']):
IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_KEEPINTVL, self.tcp_keepintvl)
if self.tcp_keepcnt and TCP_KEEPCNT:
IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_KEEPCNT, self.tcp_keepcnt)
return True
except (ConnectionError, SocketTimeout) as exc:
raise TransportConnectionFailed(exc.args[0])
def send(self, data: bytes, tries: int=0, no_wait: bool=False):
"""Send data."""
logger.debug('>> %s', data.hex())
total_sent = 0
msglen = len(data)
while total_sent < msglen:
sent = self.sock.send(data[total_sent:])
if self._packetdebug:
print('sent', sent, 'bytes of', hexformat(
if sent == 0:
raise RuntimeError('Socket connection broken.')
total_sent += sent
if no_wait:
return True
return self.receive()
def _receive_bytes(self, length: int) -> bytes:
"""Receive and return a fixed amount of bytes."""
recv_bytes = 0
result = b''
if self._packetdebug:
print('\nwaiting for', length, 'bytes')
while recv_bytes < length:
chunk = self.sock.recv(length - recv_bytes)
except SocketTimeout:
raise TransportTimeoutException('Timed out.')
if self._packetdebug:
print('received', len(chunk), 'bytes:', hexformat(data=chunk))
if chunk == b'':
raise TransportLayerException('TCP Stream disconnected.')
result += chunk
recv_bytes += len(chunk)
return result
def _receive_length(self) -> Tuple[bytes, int]:
Receive the 4 bytes on the socket which indicates the message
length, and return the packed and the `int` converted length.
data = self._receive_bytes(length=3)
length = data[2]
if length != 0xff:
return data, length
# Need to get 2 more bytes
length = self._receive_bytes(length=2)
data += length
return data, unpack('<H', length)[0]
def _receive(self, timeout=TIMEOUT_T2) -> bytes:
Receive the response from the terminal and return is as `bytes`.
data, length = self._receive_length()
if not length: # Length is 0
return data
new_data = self._receive_bytes(length=length)
return data + new_data
def receive(
self, timeout=None, *args, **kwargs) -> Tuple[bool, bytes]:
Receive data, return success status and packet bytes
data = self._receive()
logger.debug('<< %s', data.hex())
return True, data
def close(self):
"""Shutdown and close the connection."""